27 February 2012

Travel, and more travel

Earlier this month, Elsi Kaiser travelled to Tuebigen, Germany and gave an invited talk entitled "(Mis)matches in syntactic vs. semantic prominence: Effects on reference-tranking" at the Linguistic Evidence conference (Feb 8-11, 2012). The weather there was a bit chilly, but not as cold as she had expected. Here are some pictures from the trip: snow and steep roofs that you never see in Los Angeles!

Also, in November/December 2011, Elsi spent two weeks running experiments at the University of Stuttgart. She is grateful to Dr. Klaus von Heusinger for helping arrange her visit. She used a Tobii remote eye-tracker, which doesn't require the participant to wear anything on their head. It's also very portable - she carried it all the way from Los Angeles to Stuttgart. Here is a picture of her explaining how the eyetracker works:

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